The Least of These

Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:37-40

Pray for Light Feeding Station - Kakamega

Located in Kakamega, Light feeds 150 children each day.   

Construction of their new kitchen was recently completed and we were priviledge to attend the dedication.

Left is the old kitchen.  Pots were balanced on the 3 large stones with a fire beneath.  Right is the new kitchen which will eventually have indoor water and a vent fan.
 Light currently has a well with a hand pump but plans are already in place to one day have sinks for handwashing similar to those at the feeding station in Kitalie.  In addition to feeding the children Light also offers school for children in Pre-K through Class 1
In the picture to the left you can see the teacher's creative posters.  You will also notice the stings stretched in clothes-line fashion to display shapes and letters for group review. 
In addition to learning their ABC's and 123's children are taught about God.  When I asked the teachers what needs I could pray for the first two things they said were Bibles for the teachers and more Bible story materials for the children. In addition to the Bibles and children's Bible materials here are the other supplies you can pray for.
  • tablet paper
  • pencils
  • blue and red pens (for teachers)
  • mucical instruments (like triangles, bells and tamborines)
  • record books for the teachers
Waiting to be brought inside the fence -
A child watches from the corner of the
house next to the feeding station.
You can also pray that God will burden more hearts to support the work here so that more children can be brought "inside the fence".  As financial support for the feeding station increases more children can be allowed into the program.

The needs I have listed above are simply to help you pray more specifically for Light Feeding Station.   While buying notebooks and pencils may seem like more fun than donating money, it is not quite as effective at meeting the needs of the children in Kenya.   If God is prompting you to contribute financially toward the support of Light Feeding please follow the link to Light Ministries’ On -Line Giving page.  Light Ministries raises funds for and partners with Global Field Evangelism.    A $5.00 donation in the hands of Light Ministries will go much further toward meeting the needs at this feeding station than $5.00 worth of notebooks possibly could.

To read more about all the ways you can partner with Light Ministries and Global Field Evangelism please visit this link for Mike