The Least of These

Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:37-40

Monday, August 16, 2010

Boldness and Obedience

As I said in my last post, a mission trip has been in my heart and on my mind for awhile.  The problem is, I get so busy in the details of everyday life that I rarely stop to consider...Well, to be honest, I rarely stop to consider beyond dinners, lesson plans, laundry, etc.  Money was another issue.  Most mission trips run from $1200 - $3200.  We have already cut most luxuries out of our budget to allow me to homeschool the kids.  Where would we get the money?  Anyway, every once in a great while I would pause and look around at my life and wonder if I was living out all that God had planned for me.  But then I would settle back into my usual routine. I have stepped out in boldness in a few ways.  Michael and I started a backyard Bible club for the kids in our neighborhood.  My sister-in-law, Mandy, and I had begun to discuss helping a small church in Arkansas do a VBS.  Both these felt like steps in the right direction but somehow I felt like God was saying, "Your getting warmer, but you don't quite have it."

Last spring there was a post on the forum of the homeschool support group I belong to.  (Yes, we homeschool our three children.  No, I do not worry that they will not be properly socialized :) )  Anyway, the post was about some bead necklaces being made by a group of women in Uganda.  It contained a link to the blog of a young woman from Tennessee who moved to Uganda.  Her story is amazing!  (See the links section to the right to find her blog.) But it got me to thinking. The basic difference between me and her is boldness and obedience. 

Shortly after this I learned that an acquaintance from the homeschool group was raising money to adopt 2 kids from Ethiopia.  She and her husband have four kids.  They are a family of six who can't wait to be eight but international adoption is expensive.  I marvelled at their persistence and determination.  I was impressed by their humility as they did several creative fundraisers.(I will post their link soon.) But it got me to thinking.  The basic difference between us and them is boldness and obedience.

Then my sister and brother-in-law started reading Radical by David Platt.  (That's who told be about it.)  A month later they were signed up for a mission trip to Malawi.  I was excited for them and a little jealous. But then I started thinking.  The only difference.....You guessed it! Boldness and obedience. 

Psalm 138:3 says "When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted."  I can tell you that God has been as faithful to supply us with boldness as he was to King David.  Michael and I went to one other mission meeting before the Kenya meeting.  As we began to tell God we were willing to consider a mission trip, He began to remind us in more and more ways that all things are possible with Him.

William and Amanda left for Malawi this morning at 4:00 am.  At around 4:00 this afternoon, after several state-side connections, they were about to begin their 17 hour flight to Africa.  I am keeping my niece and nephew for the first 4 days of the 13 days they will be gone.  I am so glad I get to be part of their support team.  They will be working with Malawi Children's Mission (link to the right).  I am so grateful for their example of obedience.  Obedience when it's not easy; and even when they are not feeling so bold.  Please pray that God will keep them safe. 

1 comment:

  1. Now we get to be a part of your Support Team and we are so excited! It will be like going to Africa all over again!!!

    Praying for you both!
    William and Amanda
